Privacy Policy – California Residents

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California residents may have certain privacy rights depending upon the nature of their relationship with Equitable. This California Privacy Policy describes those rights and how they may be exercised. It also provides information regarding the categories of personal information that Equitable collects and how it is used and disclosed.

The CCPA does not apply to personal information that is subject to the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). It also generally does not apply to personal information collected by Equitable from job applicants, employees, financial professionals and contractors. In general, if you are either (i) a current or former client or customer of Equitable or (ii) a current or former job applicant, employee, financial professional, or contractor of Equitable, personal information relating to those relationships is currently not subject to the CCPA. Persons who are not California residents are not covered by the CCPA.

For purposes of this Policy, “Equitable” means Equitable Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, excluding AllianceBernstein Holding, L.P., AllianceBernstein L.P., and their subsidiaries.

We do not sell your personal information

Equitable does not sell your personal information within the meaning of the CCPA. This includes the personal information of persons under the age of 16.

What we collect and disclose

We collect personal information from the following sources, in addition to directly from you:

  • From employers and plan sponsors
  • Payment processors and financial institutions
  • Public records
  • Vendors and service providers
  • Government agencies and self-regulatory organizations
  • Policyholders and other customers
  • Beneficiaries and other persons associated with an insurance policy, annuity, or financial product or service
  • From financial professionals and third-party agents and brokers
  • Medical professionals and paramedical professionals

We may disclose personal information that we collect about you to the following categories of third parties:

  • Third parties to whom you request we disclose your information
  • Beneficiaries and other persons associated with an insurance policy, annuity, or financial product or service
  • Our service providers, vendors, and reinsurers
  • Credit reporting agencies
  • Government agencies, self-regulatory organizations, and other third parties as required by law
  • Employers and plan sponsors
  • Financial professionals and third-party agents and brokers

Within the past 12 months, Equitable has collected and disclosed the below categories of personal information relating to California residents. Not every category of personal information is collected about each consumer or in connection with each transaction, product or service. Equitable strives to limit the personal information it collects to those categories necessary to accomplish the specific business purpose for which it is being collected.

Category of personal information we collect Description of category
Identifiers Information including your name, postal address, phone number, email address, IP address, Social Security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers
Customer records Includes records such as policy numbers and account information
Classifications Includes characteristics of protected classifications or California and federal law, such as information about race, ethnicity, marital or family status, nationality, gender identity, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation
Commercial information Includes records of products or services purchased or considered or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies
Biometric information Includes information about an individual’s physiological, genetic, biological, or behavioral characteristics, that can be used to establish individual identity
Information about Internet use Includes browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an internet website, application, or advertisement
Geolocation information Includes information relating to precise physical location and history of travel
Sensory information Includes audio, electronic, and visual information, such as recordings of telephone calls with customer service
Professional or employment-related information Includes information regarding your employment status and history
Education information Includes information regarding your educational background
Inferences from personal information Includes inferences drawn from the above-described categories of personal information to develop a profile to create a profile reflecting the consumer’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes


How Equitable uses personal information

We collect personal information to develop, provide, and offer retirement and other financial products, life insurance products, and related services to our existing and potential clients, and as otherwise required by law or regulation. The following are business purposes for which Equitable uses the personal information that it collects:

  • For our everyday business purposes, and those of your financial professional — such as processing your transactions, providing services that you request, billing and processing of payments, maintaining your account(s), providing customer service, underwriting and related activities, responding to court orders and legal investigations, or reporting to credit bureaus
  • For our marketing purposes — to offer our products and services to you and to identify potential new clients
  • For developing new products and services and to improve existing products and services
  • For security purposes – to protect your account(s) and prevent, detect, and respond to illegal activity and security incidents
  • For debugging and analytics purposes – to improve our websites and IT infrastructure and analyze web traffic and consumer interactions and activity on our websites and customer portals
  • For recruiting purposes – to identify potential job candidates

Exercising your rights under the CCPA

You or your authorized agent may exercise your rights under the CCPA either by visiting our California Consumer Information Request Portal or by calling toll-free (877) 806-4573. In order to process your request, we will need to verify your identity which may require you to provide some personal information to us. If you are making a request on behalf of someone else, we will need to verify that you have the authority to do so.

Requests to know

You have the right to request information regarding the personal information that Equitable has collected about you within the preceding 12 months, including the categories of data collected, how they are used, and whether they have been disclosed to third parties. Equitable does not sell your personal information.

Requests to delete

You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal information covered by the CCPA that was collected by Equitable directly from you. Please note that Equitable is generally unable to honor a request to delete the following:

  • Personal information that is not covered by the CCPA
  • Personal information that is necessary to complete a transaction or provide a service that you requested
  • Personal information that was collected from a source other than directly from you
  • Personal information that is necessary to prevent, detect, and respond to fraudulent or illegal activity and other security incidents
  • Personal information that is necessary to exercise free speech or another right provided for by law
  • Personal information used to debug to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality
  • Personal information that is necessary to meet a legal obligation


Equitable will not discriminate against you for exercising your privacy rights under the CCPA.

Contact us

Please contact us with any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or to exercise a right under the CCPA by either visiting our California Consumer Information Request Portal or by calling toll-free (877) 806-4573.