The basics of life insurance

Do you need life insurance?

Life insurance protects your family and dependents, should something happen to you. Should you have it?

How much life insurance do you need?

Two simple approaches to help you estimate the appropriate amount of life insurance for you and your family.

Tax benefits of insurance

A quick look at the benefits your policy may hold.

Estate planning benefits of life insurance

Life insurance can be a useful, and often key component of your estate plan.

What are the different types of life insurance?

A primer of the more common types of life insurance: term; whole; universal and variable.

More life insurance articles

Buying life insurance: what kind and how much?

Life insurance is an important component of a sound financial plan.

Life insurance: do you need it?

The proceeds from a life insurance policy can help your loved ones continue to manage financially after your death.

Life insurance and estate planning

Life insurance can protect your survivors financially by replacing your lost income.

Estate planning: an introduction

Since incapacity can strike anyone at anytime, all adults over 18 should consider their estate planning needs.