Reassess your situation as your life changes

The potential for change is one of the few constants in life. Whether your circumstances evolve unexpectedly or as the result of careful planning, you may have to alter your investment strategy. The following are transitional events that may present opportunities or savings obstacles:

  • Changing jobs: If you change jobs or get promoted and receive a salary increase, consider investing at least some of the difference for your long-term goals.

  • Getting married: The decision to marry or remarry could raise a variety of questions about your portfolio and financial plans. Will your combined assets provide enough income for two retirements?

  • Getting divorced: Divorce also raises financial questions. For example, will you need to invest more aggressively to meet the cost of retirement on your own?
  • Adding a family member: The addition of a newborn to your family could signal the need to start planning for someone else's future.
    Caring for aging relatives: The need to support aging family members, possibly at the same time you're caring for children of your own, could force you to revise your investment plan to pursue more income for today's needs or capital appreciation for tomorrow's.

Talking to a financial professional can help you manage through these transitions. 

1Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against a loss.

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GE-91145  (01/2016)