Life with inSight

Award-winning Podcasts for Financial Professionals


Popular Podcasts

April 09, 2021

Section 7702 Life Insurance

Equitable’s Andrew DeMarco, Head of Life Market Strategy, fills us in on the changes, the impact and the opportunity for you and your clients.

IU-3474421 (3/21) (Exp 3/23)

Andrew Demarco, Senior Director, Head of Life Market Strategy for the individual life business.
January 05, 2021

LTC and retirement planning

Join us as Paulina Vakouros, Lead Director of Marketing for Protection Solutions at Equitable and Dr. Sandra Timmermann, EdD, a nationally recognized expert in gerontology, have an informative discussion on how you can help your clients pursue long-term financial security with long-term care protection. They discuss costs, trends in caregiving, how to have “the conversation” and how to integrate long-term care into a holistic retirement plan.

IU-3227501 (9/20) (9/22)

Dr. Sandra Timmermann, EdD

Related item:

Washington State Long-Term Care Trust Act eNotice

November 23, 2020

What Does the Outcome of the Presidential Election Offer for Planners and Their Clients

A Post Presidential Election Analysis. Listen in on the discussion about the election results and – more importantly – the effect of those results on the economy, financial landscape and planning that can be done for clients.

IU-3293964 (10/20) (Exp 10/22)

Armstrong Robinson, Chief Advocacy Officer, FINSECA
February 10, 2022

Applying behavioral finance in your financial planning practice

Behavioral finance studies why people make certain financial choices and how those choices can affect markets. Listen to this overview from expert Michael Kitces, MSFS, MTAX, CFP, CLU, ChFC, RHU, REBC, CASL. Use this tactic to enhance your sales approach and grow your practice.

GE-4117549.1 (1/22) (Exp.1/24)

Michael Kitces
November 22, 2021

Estate Planning: How to help clients plan today for possible changes in the future

There are multiple income and wealth transfer tax bills working their way through Congressional Committees. These bills could have a profound impact on Estate Planning. Learn about flexible planning options financial professionals can offer to support clients’ Estate Planning goals.
September 23, 2021

Embracing distribution planning with a tax-free strategy

Thought leader and best-selling author, David McKnight, provides his top insights on financial strategies and tax planning for financial professionals and clients. Learn about the current tax environment, why asset location is significant, and what a vitally important role life insurance can play while planning for retirement. 
Thought Leadership paper

IU-3708106 (8/21) (Exp 8/23)

July 19, 2021

The use of life insurance in managing market and investment risk in retirement planning.

Wade D. Pfau, PhD, is Professor of Retirement Income in the PhD in Financial and Retirement Planning program, Co-Director of the New York Life Center for Retirement Income, and RICP® program director at The American College of Financial Services.

GE-3474402 (3/21) (Exp. 3/23)

June 04, 2021

The role of life insurance in implementing a sound asset location strategy for tax efficient investing.

Michael Finke, PhD, CFP®, a nationally renowned researcher focuses on the value of financial advice, shares his insights and tips on the current investment environment and tax efficient investing with asset location strategies.

GE-3474411 (03/21) (Exp. 03/23)

March 08, 2021

Possible tax proposals and sales opportunities in a new administration

Robert S. Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished), CGMA, Partner at Keebler and Associates, provides discerning forecasts and projections on future tax proposals from the President Biden administration. Understand the possibilities and prepare for sales opportunities to best serve your clients.

IU-3412270 (1/21) (Exp. 1/23)

Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP
October 18, 2018

"Rewiring" Your Retirement

Insights on how to supplement and supercharge your retirement planning efforts. Equitable's Tom McGlynn interviews Jaime Hopkins of The American College on how to "Rewire" your Retirement. They cover the major provisions and lucrative planning opportunities in planning for retirement and how life insurance, specifically, can potentially supplement retirement planning strategies.

IU-140853 (10/18) (Exp. 10/20)

Jaime Hopkins of The American College

Related items
4 Ways to Maximize Life Insurance in Retirement Income Planning
4 Retirement Planning Steps Everyone Should Take

August 13, 2018

Clarification of Section 199(A) of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Equitable’s Tom McGlynn interviews Robert Keebler on the recent release of regulations under Code Section 199(A) focused primarily on the general rules, aggregation rules, anti-abuse rules and the definition of specified services.

IU-139159 (08/18) (Exp. 08/20)

Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished)

Related items
Section 199A and Proposed Regulation eNotice
199A Qualified Business Income Chart

June 30, 2018

Policy Valuation – Factors to Consider

Policy valuation is a tricky area for clients and their Financial Professional advisors. The IRS has not made this easier, offering little or outdated guidance. This podcast will offer insights into these issues and possible approaches for clients and FPs.

IU-137551 (6/18) (Exp. 6/20)

Advanced Markets
March 18, 2018

Wealth Planning and Asset Location: Improving Risk-Adjusted Returns in a Portfolio Using Life Insurance

Improving Risk-Adjusted Returns in a Portfolio Using Life Insurance: Equitable's Alex Kim interviews Chris Kaplan, VP of Specialty Markets and EPG Life Sales on permanent life insurance as an asset class, and how insurance death benefits can be used to enhance a client’s risk adjusted wealth transfer.

IU-135072 (03/18) (Exp. 03/20)

Chris Kaplan, VP of Specialty Markets & EPG Life Sales at Equitable
April 15, 2019

Behavioral Finance

Does money buy happiness? Dr. Benjamin Cummings of the American College of Financial Services discusses the psychology behind establishing financial goals, decision-making and the role our emotions play in setting and reaching our desired outcomes.

IU-2488000 (04/19) (Exp. 04/21)

Dr. Benjamin Cummings

Related items
Projected Inheritance Program

March 30, 2019

Updates to Section 199(A) and Pass Through Entity Savings Under the Tax Cut & Jobs Act (H.R. 1)

Equitable interviews Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished) on the recent release of regulations under Code Section 199(A), covering the major provisions and lucrative planning opportunities resultant from these regulations.

IU-2440199 (3/19) (Exp. 3/21)

Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished)

Related items
Code Section 199A Final Regs eNotice

Life with InSight is a life insurance sales podcast series designed for busy financial professionals. In a short amount of time, you can learn about important industry topics from subject matter experts. Tune in today to hear more about how these important issues can impact financial, estate and business planning and sales of life insurance products and services.

Life insurance products are issued by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (New York, NY) or Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America, an Arizona stock corporation with its main administration office in Jersey City, NJ 07310 and are co-distributed by Equitable Network, LLC (Equitable Network Insurance Agency of California in CA; Equitable Network Insurance Agency of Utah in UT; Equitable Network of Puerto Rico, Inc. in PR), and Equitable Distributors, LLC. When sold by New York based (i.e. domiciled) financial professionals life insurance products are issued by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company, (NY, NY).

Accordingly, any tax information provided in this podcast is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. The tax information was written to support the promotion or marketing of the transactions or matters addressed, and clients should seek advice, based on their circumstances, from an independent tax advisor. Neither Equitable Financial, Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America, EFLOA, Equitable Advisors, Equitable Network nor Equitable Distributors provide legal or tax advice. Life insurance is not insured by any federal government agency and is not guaranteed by any bank or savings association.

GE-3283783 (10/2020) (Exp. 10/2022)